RSGB Last year, they realised they had problems: membership down 17% in last 10 years, average age up from 55 to 65 since 2000. Created the survey to provide a data-driven approach to strategic development. This was all in progress before the issues with the former GM earlier this year. The GM problem added urgency to solving the problems. The results of the survey went to an advisory group (AG) (G3BJ, G4NZO, G3SVL, G3WKL, G3XWH, G0TLK, G7URP, G7VJR, M0OBW), all of whom have significant business experience in the areas RSGB had identified as priorities. Those areas are: * Strategy * Scrutiny * Operational review * Stewardship The board needs more membership input on these areas, to be able to start making changes from the 2013 AGM. On Strategy, the priority markets to focus on are: * Youngsters * Mid-life people looking for new intersts. Licensing structure raises more questions than answers and is not considered a priority. It's important to start making changes before the 2013 AGM, however. The AG's majority opinion is that 'the lower risk route is having the board selected for their experience in dealing with these issues' (the 4 priorities above) but only until the 2013 AGM. That explains the press release yesterday. ----- On the GM: Credit card policy has now been changed: expense forms are correlated against the credit card statement. Any accidental personal expenditure now immediately deducted from salary. Notice in November RadCom: 'The Society continues to take every action possible... following procedures outlined by lawyers, actions in Bedford County Court are underway'. ---- Interesting parallel: This is where the Wireless Institute of Australia was 5 years ago. They saw it as a need to move from 'managing a club to managing a business.'